Consciousness part 2

Consciousness Part 2 

The key to growth is to introduce higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness ."Lao Tzu ”

My life Quest. Which brought me to all corners of the world, hidden in experiences, unexpected encounters, scriptures and most of all the power of the cosmos to unveil itself. "Like a wonderful lady ready to be captured on a canvas, dropping down her red silk gown. Unveiled, shameless standing naked in truth."

It’s mysticism what has inspired us humans since forever, not able to grasp truth directly, to speculate, to make up our own stories. The beginning of creation is apparently a mystery worth endless wars, convictions, injustices. 

Let me clarify that 85 % of humanity lives on a consciousness level under 207 this is below the harmony balance point of 250. It’s only by 250 and above that we live from a balanced state of mind.

Consciousness, is the underlaying nature of the cosmos, fundamental as the sages and wisdom teachings and primary as science have thought us so far. It’s defined by the ability of a system to be influenced by it's previous state and to influence it's next state. This means that consciousness is only to be ‘experienced” while being in the present.

I'd like to mention that what I write is no definite conclusion it's my perception gained by experience. We need to accept that every being is on another development stage, this makes us all unique.


Consciousness is a form of photonic electromagnetic energy, once created it cannot be destroyed. 

Density is the number of photons that your consciousness contains which is the storage for experience. You can only accumulate what your density can hold. Let me clarify that there are density (consciousness levels) to be seen in the chart under.
Experience, increases these photons to vibrate to a higher frequency which gives you the opportunity to ascend to another density of consciousness. 

It’s interesting to understand that from your density you can look downward, never upward as the next level is only to be understood while being there. Each consciousness has its own unique energy signature.

Simplify it

85% of all humans lives on a conscious level under 207 

15% of a consciousness level above 207

Imagine yourself that life starts from consciousness level 0 till 1000
(scale of Hawkins) 

A balance state of mind exist from level 250 and above. 

This means that the majority of all humans live under the balance point, and lives not in harmony. 
Please see the video where I tried to explain it. 


Are consciousness and light connected?

When you are high in consciousness you emanate and radiate more light. 
The so called enlightened beings 
like Boeddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses  where on such high vibration and consciousness. 
That they were radiating more light 
and also received more information. 
They were more open to a wider range of subtle energies. 

We humans are automatically drawn to light as our essence the so called soul is made out of this energy. 

Everything is energy. Light is a form of energy. Electricity is a form of energy.

Thoughts, emotions and life force are a form of energy. Matter is also a form of contracted energy, only very slow energy.

All creation is made up of a stratified system of different "types" of energy; energy of different qualities and properties, of different frequencies. Agree?... .

Everyone has its own unique vibrational energy field which affects our consciousness.

Our dominant vibration is the real self at the moment of now. It determines how we feel, the thoughts we have day to day, the attitudes we have, what people and experiences we attract to us and the overall quality of our lives, careers and relationships.

A couple of things are very important for our energy levels 

1.  Environment and the energies around us.

Our bodies are large adapters of our environment, we adapt ourselves constantly, we take on the energy of our external environment.

2 Mind and thoughts (what fires together wires together).

Our bodies translate our thoughts into our endocrine system and our glands. In this overloaded world of information we are constantly put into a stress state which is lowering our levels of consciousness by itself. Control of mind is important here.

3 is our food 

We vibrate on a certain frequency and if we see food as the fuel we add to our bodies to function and to give us energy.

We start to understand that plant-based food has a much higher energy and. frequency than processed foods.

People on a very high level of consciousness can literally become sick if they eat dead energy.

4 is coherence of the brain

A coherent brain creates a coherent energy, which gives us the opportunity to grow.

We humans are gifted with the power to clear our systems and to become aware of ourselves. Raising our frequencies will give us a new reality on a higher vibration, which again brings us more aspects of light. We humans are gifted with a free will and understanding what needs to be done is the first step into awaking to a civilisation which lives in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

This is the chart created by Hawkins regarding levels of consciousness.

If high level of consciousness people are around lower level consciousness they raise the lower levels up. This is because consciousness wants to expand by nature. They also perceive and receive more frequencies which makes them see a complete different reality. They can't think dark thoughts anymore, they can't because it simply doesn't exist on these frequencies. They think in unity, in one, they are spreading words of love because they are love, they are the frequency of love, of light and of peace.

It's always about connection.

With eyes that see connection and unity , you will find solutions to problems caused by separation.

Imagine if you could see life from a broader perspective , and by looking at yourself and others with a non judgmental view.

Seeing the one next to you as yourself, your empathy , your understanding, and tolerance wil grow.

In the past, people who had lots of intellectual knowledge were considered smart. Nowadays, everyone is googles best friend and in this information era this valuable gift is free accessible to all of us. We need to thank technology, however more knowledge is no solution. Connection is.

In the present era we need the penetrating insight that  we have to connect back first to our selves. We have to embrace the innovation and creativity to solve the real heart of problems by thinking and acting "out of the box" , we have to move from knowing into action , and the wisdom to connect and integrate what was separated.

This new consciousness will develop the power to understand yourself truly and to embrace others with tolerance. We are deeply connected beings. Its always about creation instead of destruction. We have to connect and interact with the world in a way that goes beyond habitual behaviour, creating a world that transcends our current human-made systems. Soon we will find that these systems are out-dated , we can't build a new vision from an old foundation. We have to replace the foundation and start building from a new perspective. Taking the good things of the past with us and leaving the non-functional behind. As we grow, we start to see, feel and act differently, true satisfaction comes from true connection. 

*Consciousness exist within a framework of coherent photonic energy that is not yet observable with instruments. We humans want to understand how something works, however with consciousness it's out of our dimensional access point. That's why the assumptions above are levelled in scales and numbers. So we can relate to them.


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“In the world, we meet the world where it is , anyone is in a different development stage.
We are loaded and coded with infinite possibilities we only need to open up like a flower to the sun.
We need to get rid of that veil which covers the connection with our higher selves. We need to raise our core frequency. 
This is a personal journey influencing the whole. 




 below 207





It's very concerning to see that the majority of humanity lives on such low levels of consciousness. This is the real problem of planet earth *consciousness part 2 will explain more please read it. .press here

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