The magic book

The magic book 

Talking about fate    
Do you believe in destiny? in luck?
What's seen in the unseen ?

 Call it magic 

The year 2021

I was offered this very special Batak magic book in the dutch TV show (of inestimable value) . I couldn't believe that this piece of ancient wisdom was offered to me . The seller begins his story, he once bought an old cabinet for 25 guilders that was locked. After he had the lock removed there were several objects in the cabinet, firstly a wallet worth 200 guilders and secondly this special magic book. 
According to the seller, the book has always brought him luck. 

In front of me is the Pustaha, an ancient divination book used by Batak priests in North Sumatra, Indonesia. I estimate that the object possesses an age of about 250-300 years. Between the two wooden boards are the pages of the book. These are folded in a harmonica fashion. The pages are made of beaten tree bark, and unfolded form a long strip of several meters that can be read on two sides. I put on my white gloves and slowly turn the wooden pages. Symbol after symbol amazes me. 

This pustaha ( the magical magic book) was compiled and kept by the Datu (priest). The books are written in Batak script, in a ritual language called Poda, which can only be read by the Priest. The pages of the book contain the knowledge of generations of priests. The book contains descriptions about magic and divination. The knowledge of the supernatural was passed from priest to priest and was withheld from the common mortal. There are formulas for conquering other villages, eliminating opponents, for winning lovers, and stories about the creation of the earth. Curing diseases, attracting and repelling spirits. This book possesses true magic but also knowledge of consciousness. Characters adorn the pages and even though I cannot read it I recognize some of the symbols. In my many trips to Indonesia, I have seen this writing more than once. In addition, I have seen this object in the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam.

Back to the priest for a moment because this Datu is considered the wisest person of the people. The spiritual leader who could make sure that you were harmed for or against. In addition, this person was the bridge between you and the power behind creation. The power and might of this Magician was enormous and the whole tribe followed his path of wisdom, advice, rituals, sacrifices and healing. 

How extraordinary that this Magical Book is now before me. Now this is typically an object of inestimable value. The value that is great for the person who has affinity with this book. 

How history ends up in the now

The VOC built up a network of hundreds of settlements in Asia: from small offices and warehouses to imposing buildings. The center of the VOC in Asia was Batavia (Jakarta) on Java. Batavia was founded in 1619. In that year the Calvinist Jan Pieterszoon Coen captured the port city of Jakarta by force. He had a large fortress built there the Castle of Batavia with workshops, warehouses and homes for the VOC personnel. A famous quote from him was, do not despair, do not spare your enemies, for God is with us. This only illustrates how ruthless he was and I don't need to mince words about the Dutch VOC past. It is well known that we were mourners, ruthless, combative, inventive but above all Cruel. You could compare us to pirates on land.  Around the Castle grew the city which in turn was surrounded by walls. 

Meanwhile, some 50 years later 1670, the VOC has also expanded to other islands including the north of Sumatra. Here the Toba Batak lived on Lake Toba. It was a fairly isolated people thanks to the location of the village. Far inland on the lake, the Batak were protected from the influence of seafaring European colonials. Although there is one story known that a lost VOC explorer, the one who had to discover new areas, did indeed end up with the Batak. The searcher entered the village on his horse until the priest frightened him with a waving staff and a singing text. 

Indigenous people were not respected but one person frightened even the Dutch. Namely the priest. Nobody wanted to get a spell on them. The fear of black magic travels for centuries through the cosmos, gods and punishment even reaches back to the ancient Sumerians , Egypt, Greece and lives on in many cultures and religions until today. 


A symbol? 
A symbol is a bearer of meaning; it has a form on the one hand, and a meaning on the other. The meaning of a symbol is conventional; it is usually based on agreements that the users of the symbol once made. One symbol can carry more meaning than a thousand words. The power of a symbol is immense and we see them today mainly in logos. 

The symbol 

The word "symbol" has its origins in the Greek "symbolon" meaning sign or identifying mark, and the verb "symballoo" meaning to meet, gather or compare. In the symbol, the 'actual' and experienced reality coincide and this is found in the verb 'syn-ballein' which means 'to coincide'. 


The term mysticism also refers to the underlying teachings about knowledge and personal experiences of states of consciousness beyond normal human perception. Symbolism and mysticism are deeply connected. 
Mysticism concerns the passionate pursuit of a personal union of the soul in some cases with a higher power but always with the self. 

Not me, but the universe has decided that this book temporarily belongs to me, to unravel the story and bring the knowledge of ancient times back to the present. A challenge, which makes my blood run faster. This cannot be a coincidence. I who have been walking the mystical path for years. Mysticism has always played an important part in my life. Even as a little girl I was trained by my father with riddles. Taken by his hand and put in touch with the underlying meaning of form and symbolism. **This book is for me the ultimatum of mysticism, the longer I look at it the stronger the attraction becomes with this book. The symbols on the inside inspired me from the first sight and I like to tell you more so that it can come to life for you too. **

A symbol? 

A symbol is a bearer of meaning; it has a form on the one hand, and a meaning on the other. The meaning of a symbol is conventional; it is usually based on agreements that the users of the symbol once made. One symbol can carry more meaning than a thousand words. The power of a symbol is immense and we see them today mainly in logos. The uniqueness of a symbol is that it travels the world without a language barrier. That it connects cultures/people & unites people with a similar train of thought. A symbol usually travels unchanged through time. On the other hand, you often see misuse of symbols. 

Let's take the example of the Swastika. In my travels through Indonesia I often saw the Swastika sign at Hindu temples. It generally stands for life force, luck or holiness. If we ask Hindus or Buddhists about the Swastika, they will have a very different interpretation than we experience in the Western world. In the years before and during World War II the swastika was used by Hitler and the Nazis. Since then, the swastika has been associated in Western countries mainly with National Socialism and its racist extremist ideology, despite the very ancient history of the symbol itself. This also indicates the danger of misinterpretation. Mainly when it comes to MASS recognition. 

The meaning of a symbol can have a deeper meaning for certain initiates. This means that in many old orders and societies you have several divisions where through growth and initiation you gain access to the deeper meaning of symbols and rituals. The more knowledge you have, the differently that one symbol is interpreted. The multiplicity is multiplied and an intensely deep connection and communion can arise. 

We humans always want to explain everything. Fortunately, science is developing more and more, yet we must resign ourselves to the fact that the unexplainable is what will always fascinate us and that we are only able to grasp what's given within our consciousness.

I feel by everything that researching this particular book is going to give me wonderful experiences. Experience is the most important teacher of human beings, daring to live and face ever new and challenging opportunities that come our way. Overcoming past fears and patterns that no longer serve us. The journey within ourselves in which we start asking questions about ourselves and the life we lead. In this way we slowly detach ourselves from our short-sighted thought patterns, in order to then see the world anew with expanded and new eyes. True teaching means expanding our perception and detaching ourselves from limiting views. 

For the inexplicable cannot be expressed in words. 

For the greatness of the unexplainable can only be EXPERIENCED!!!  As human beings we are limited between time and space, and what we want to explain is located outside these two regions. In short, as long as we do not expand our consciousness, we will not gain insight into what lies behind our reality. 

So if we see our consciousness as a starry sky that we can only expand if we look upwards. 

Turning deep within yourself to re-establish the deepest connection with your true being or self and through this connection to learn to trust our intuition again. 

Intuition is also a beautiful human aspect, it is basically our energy antenna, it picks up energy, it gives answers through a feeling and it is not about how well we listen to this feeling as we pick up the signals it sends. Actually it is another way of communicating with ourselves. And this way of communicating used to be much more important than it is today. How well are you connected to yourself and are you listening to your intuition? ... Our unconscious brain knows many answers much earlier than our conscious brain. 

My Curiosity leads to observation of the book 

Which leads to research 

Which leads to discovery 

Which eventually leads to insight 

So I'm going on a journey. 

Will you travel with me?

"So above, so below." The text is apparently about a single consciousness from which everything else proceeds and permeates everything, comparable to the anima mundi or world soul. The most obvious interpretation is that it is a description of the relationship between "above" (the macrocosm) and "below" (the microcosm)
Seek until you find

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It's very concerning to see that the majority of humanity lives on such low levels of consciousness. This is the real problem of planet earth *consciousness part 2 will explain more please read it. .press here

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