In the spirit of American philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson when he said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
It's always about connection.
With eyes that see connection and unity , you will find solutions to problems caused by separation.
Imagine if you could see life from a broader perspective , and by looking at yourself and others with a non judgmental view,
Seeing the one next to you as yourself, your empathy , your understanding, and tolerance wil grow.
In the past, people who had lots of intellectual knowledge were considered smart. Nowadays, everyone is googles best friend and in this information era this valuable gift is free accessible to all of us. We need to thank technology, however more knowledge is no solution. Connection is.
In the present era we need the penetrating insight that in a world where everyone is in direct contact with everyone within one press on a button, we've never been so isolated and dis-connected from real heart-felt connection.We have to embrace the innovation and creativity to solve the real heart of problems by thinking and acting "out of the box" , we have to move from knowing into action , and the wisdom to connect and integrate what was separated.
This new consciousness will develop the power to understand yourself truly and to embrace others with tolerance. We are deeply connected beings. Its always about creation instead of destruction. We have to connect and interact with the world in a way that goes beyond habitual behaviour, creating a world that transcends our current human-made systems. Soon we will find that these systems are out-dated , we can't build a new vision from an old foundation. We have to replace the foundation and start building from a new perspective. Taking the good things of the past with us and leaving the non-functional behind. As we grow, we start to see, feel and act differently, true satisfaction comes from true connection. The recognition that love is light and all is one,
thats what Moses, Mohammed, Buddha and Jesus had in common.
Rituals and meditation
All traditions perform a form of meditation, the christians call it contemplative prayer, the most familiar ones are the buddhist and hindu forms of meditation, repetitive prayer or observing nothingness, transcendental meditation etc.
Rituals influences our brains, it literally brings us from our thinking brain to connect us to our higher brain parts. Meditation and prayer "in the right way" brings back coherence to our brains. However not in the old habitual repetitive way, we need to feel it.
Thats what many scriptures left out of their scriptures. We need to embody and feel the outcome of the prayer. Like we already are what we pray for.
*Despite the best of intentions, religions can sometimes contain a subtle undercurrent of fear woven into their teachings. The concepts of original sin, divine judgement, God’s wrath, or eternal punishment can create a mental environment burdened in worry and anxiety over your worthiness and whether your actions will result in divine retribution or karmic punishment. Hell does not exist. Hell is being unconscious. Hell lives inside ourselves ( our minds , our thought patterns) if we are not willing to attune ourselves in conscious (light) behaviour. If we are embedded with fear, anger, low frequency bad thoughts. That's hell and it can only exist in mind. Fear based convictions put humans on a lower frequency and lowers consciousness. This can cause , anxiety, fears, depression, extreme behaviour & exclusion.
All teachings refer to light and dark, this light is within us, we all possess that spark "called Life'. Live well. Think well, act well and love even if it doesn't love back.
As you can see, there are noticeable distinctions in the text; however, these comparisons aren’t meant to be absolutes or an attempt to polarize one against the other. Religious beliefs and spiritual beliefs differ in the ways in which they are practiced. However, each practice serves as a vehicle to lead you closer to the truth you seek. Whichever path or combination of the two you follow is the personal and subjective expression of your journey of awakening.
It's very concerning to see that the majority of humanity lives on such low levels of consciousness. This is the real problem of planet earth *consciousness part 2 will explain more please read it. .press here