Kopiëren van ATOEN

B2B transaction interface to create and transfer ownership digitally


Transaction software

Bitcoin blockchain 

Digital Ownership Transfer

ATOEN software allows you to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain

Unique features


Attach updatable research documentation/ contracts


Embedded digital fingerprint technology


Create tokens in 5 steps


Secondary market control


Secured by the Bitcoin blockchain infrastructure



Guarantees proof of ownership

We minimize your integrational work 

Attach fraudulent proof documentation technology 

Open up to a young interconnected global clientèle

First client ATON : proof of work

    ATON customized BTC wallet

       Potential Clients

Luxury brands

Music industry


Real Estate

Art industry

Cultural institutions



Launch our transaction software from your own front-end and take control of the future.

 Media: ATON launch 01-2023

  • Atoen Roadmap

    ATOEN software allows companies to interact with the BTC blockchain to create assets and to transfer ownership from their own front-end. We minimize integrational work, build transactions and offer a secondary market place " Aton".

    Atoen income fees: 

    1: Atoen fee =  2.2 % on top of the total listed amount on every transaction. 

    2: creating an asset: set fee of 15€ 

    3.Transaction fee: This fee is based on validation time by BTC blockchain   1-10€ + KYC cost  ...€ =

     ... € per transaction 

    Atoen cost: 

    Payed by buyer 

    -KYC new client 

    -Transaction fee 

    -Creation asset cost 

    Monthly costs:

    -Scrum Team: 

    -Servers & data security 





    In such a new market we have to proof ourselves. Atoen is the Service as a platform (SaaS) transaction provider and ATON its first front-end customer. 

    We are building two companies at once, to test and improve in-house and be ready for fast future growth. 

    *our 2.2 % fee is lower than other service platforms in this field of industry

    *We are the first Saas to offer transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain 

  • Q 4 - 2022

    November 2022

    -API ready for beta testing 

    -Legal contracts ATOEN 

    -KYC implementation

    December 2022 investment round 1 

    -10% equity 

    ATON  is ATOENs first client 

    -Software Pentest 

    -Server and data security

     -start front-end development ATON 

  • Q 1 - 2023

    Januari 2023: 

    Scrum team= 

    -3 core developers 

    -1 operational manager 

    -1 content creator 

    -1 Marketing manager 

    -Test phase ATON art platform 

    -ATON art platform Live 

      Connecting Artist 

      Start marketing 

      First sales take place

    - ATOEN starts collaboration Medium-Size Auctionhouse, start to build customized auction  front-end ( 3 month time schedule)

    - ATOEN starts collaboration Real- estate company,  start build customized sales front-end( 3 month time schedule) 

    Februari 2023: 

    Media coverage for ATON : 

    -2 million viewers 6 weeks onschatbare waarde 

    -Interview BTC Magazine 

    Start preparing ICO for april 2023 for 10 % Equity 

    in ATON 

    March 2023: 

    Creation of 3 standard front-end formats  to make ATOEN easy to implement for new clients. 

    -Legal work ICO in april 2023  ATON plus licenses 

    dependent in which jurisdiction we launch Aton. 

  • Q 2 - 2023

    April 2023: 

    Start ICO online -  10% equity in ATON 

    -10.000 unique tokens are " already" created and able to buy on ATON

    -Secondary market sales are possible 

    May 2023: 

    Team 12 people 

    Legal cost

    Office cost 

    Marketing Aton cost 

    Overhead cost

    Server/ Data cost

    - Client -Auction house live

    - Client -Real estate live

    June 2023: 

    Finding partner to roll out- globally

  • A last word

    Why companies will implement us: 

    -Crossing borders

    -New young Clientèle 

    -New payment method 

    -Inexpensive to implement 

    -We use the most secure public accessible blockchain in the world

    We are in fact a hybrid model to let any company grow naturally in the digital future, within its own safe environment and guidelines. 

    A last word:

    Don't trust verify and proof of concept instead of speculation, have been our guidelines to build ATOEN. 

    Bianca Frölich

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