The magic book part 3

The magic book part 3

We are the flowers of the earth 
We are the fruits of life 
Let us focus on nature's growth
We grow, we flourish, we die 
We are the flowers of the earth 
We are the fruits of life.
                                            "Bianca Frölich"

The smell of life 

The smell of Fragipani's , if you have ever been to Indonesia you will remember the smell, the touch and the colors of these strong flowers. Soft but strong.

The smell of Fragipani's wakes me up, and the priest is sitting in front of me. I must have been fallen asleep. 
I am looking around and the Datu's hut is still decorated with animal skulls, rituals staff , a fire in the middle and flowers, many flowers. I havent seen these flowers before. 

The datu looks me gentle in the eyes and says; welcome Back my child, you needed some rest. 

I have a question for the priest; What do you believe? 

He responds : The collection of thoughts that you believe and keep on believing over and over again, that is what you believe.

He says; 
But what if? ... what if you had been raised elsewhere?, what if you had other parents, your cognitive behaviour determines how you see the world & experience it.
Your world is created by your experiences. Every lens of interpretation has a different color, which you consider the truth. 

I am going to give you an example says the datu: 

An old man is sitting at the city gate and a young man comes running up and stops at the old man and asks: How are the people in this city? Well says the man, that depends , how did you see the people in your own town? 
There were bad people there, thieves and beggars, I'm glad I left. Then you won't find anything better in this town says the old man. And the young man decides to walk a village away.

An hour later a young man comes running up to the old gatekeeper, whistling happily and saying, 
"Sir, what kind of people live in this town? That depends says the old man again. What kind of people lived in your last town? Warm people, involved and helpful. Cozy and I miss them already. Then walk into this city because here you will also be immersed in a warm bath. 

Moral of the story : 
What you believe you perceive 

Questions like ;  "Where are we going in life ?"are crucial to ask ourselves. 

We live in an impermanent world with a soul that lives in the eternal. What I mean by this is the following. If you place great value on material or the material "tangible" then you are more with the identification of an outer world. This is time-bound. So this also gives momentary happiness. As soon as you have the material in your possession, and you give it a form "mine" then you are already looking for your new acquisition. So if you're looking for happiness and meaning in the material world, and there's nothing wrong with that, you have to realize that it's always fleeting and changeable. 


If you start from a Power behind the outer life "inner conscious power" and you start to experience and explore this power.  This is a beginning of a long journey that actually always ends in yourself. The journey is needed, to find answers and realisations along the road, letting go in trust to be open to receive.

The search for self,

Once you really return to yourself and your happiness is no longer sought in the distance but found right in yourself, then you experience natural deep connection with everything around you. You experience the perfection of being. The wealth of being , already possessing everything you need.

We have to unlearn more than learn. 

An innocent child always enjoys life, the more we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with life and limiting factors, rules and beliefs the less we will live from the wonder of being. To be in freedom. That is not the responsibility of anyone else, not the government or your boss, that is your responsibility. You are the only one who can feel free from your own experience and that is when we start to see that almost everything is created and imposed by man and not by nature. 

A human being suffers most from the suffering he fears. 

We are a core of consciousness that is, was and always will be.

The superficial world only gets deeper as you decide to step into it. Passion , interest, wanting to know, self-discovery and experience, are essential to growth. 

And now imagine, imagine you really only have this one life, you really never come back. Are you living your best life right now???


Imagine if we spent a trillion dollars on enlightenment, compassion, environment, technologies, programs, how great the world would look. 

The earth would be a very different place. When we go green, we are a civilisation focused on other dimensions, rebirth, renewal, we must go green. 

The symbol 

The word "symbol" has its origins in the Greek "symbolon" meaning sign or identifying mark, and the verb "symballoo" meaning to meet, gather or compare. In the symbol, the 'actual' and experienced reality coincide and this is found in the verb 'syn-ballein' which means 'to coincide'. 


The term mysticism also refers to the underlying teachings about knowledge and personal experiences of states of consciousness beyond normal human perception. Symbolism and mysticism are deeply connected. 
Mysticism concerns the passionate pursuit of a personal union of the soul in some cases with a higher power but always with the self. 

 Questions like ;  "Where are we going in life ?"are crucial to ask ourselves. 

We live in an impermanent world with a soul that lives in the eternal. What I mean by this is the following. If you place great value on material or the material "tangible" then you are more with the identification of an outer world. This is time-bound. So this also gives momentary happiness. As soon as you have the material in your possession, and you give it a form "mine" then you are already looking for your new acquisition. So if you're looking for happiness and meaning in the material world, and there's nothing wrong with that, you have to realize that it's always fleeting and changeable. 


If you start from a Power behind the outer life "inner conscious power" and you start to experience and explore this power.  This is a beginning of a long journey that actually always ends in yourself. The journey is needed, to find answers and realisations along the road, letting go in trust to be open to receive.

The search for self, Once you really return to yourself and your happiness is no longer sought in the distance but found right in yourself, then you experience natural deep connection with everything around you. You experience the perfection of being. The wealth of being , already possessing everything you need.

We have to unlearn more than learn. 

An innocent child always enjoys life, the more we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with life and limiting factors, rules and beliefs the less we will live from the wonder of being. To be in freedom. That is not the responsibility of anyone else, not the government or your boss, that is your responsibility. You are the only one who can feel free from your own experience and that is when we start to see that almost everything is created and imposed by man and not by nature. 

A human being suffers most from the suffering he fears. 

We are a core of consciousness that is, was and always will be.

The superficial world only gets deeper as you decide to step into it. Passion ,  urge to know, self-discovery and experience, are essential to growth. 

And now imagine, imagine you really only have this one life, you really never come back. Are you living your best life right now???

I give you the following wisdom my child. 

 Every day you are given 24 hours free charge , suppose you have all the money in the world but not a single hour left to live.

Then what do you do with the gift of the day that is now in front of you?....

I look at the datu and nod,

An intense understanding at a very deep level takes place in my consciousness. The puzzle suddenly seems to fit 

I look at the datu smiling. What universal truths and what a man. 

A different faith, a different life , and yet so connecting.


**Women were worshiped tremendously in early cultures and natural peoples as they possessed creative power. She possessed the power of creation and only from her can birth take place. She nurtured, protected, cared for and loved. It is that the church shoved women off the stage and condemned the pagans but the woman has always been of immense importance to the Mayans , the Celts, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Summerians. Priestesses ( the one who is the link between heaven and earth were usually female).**
Transformation of consciousness is what all the old masters refer to, "old masters were the first flowers of humanity". 

" 'I wanted to look behind the veil of illusion. " A soft voice whispered softly in my ears; Be careful what you wish for, my love".

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It's very concerning to see that the majority of humanity lives on such low levels of consciousness. This is the real problem of planet earth *consciousness part 2 will explain more please read it. .press here

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